Ops Blox
Your new operations dashboard
Now you can organize and run your business in the same platform where you set up

Dual Modes Working Together For You
Use Setup Blox mode to learn what vendors & software your business needs.
Switch to Ops Blox mode to display those resources on your customized dashboard

How our dashboard can get you organized
Operations Dashboard Features
Set up your business operations using Setup Blox, then administer those functions here in Ops Blox
Manage Your Vendors
Logins as simple as a click
Instead of using browser bookmarks, simply store your online service's URL on the relevant button. Click the button and it will launch a mini-browser tab to that site.
Setup help right at your fingertips
We pre-populate common business operations buttons for you. This way, we can connect them back to relevant Setup Blox content and tasks in case you need help.
Easy indicators of what's set up
We use contrasting colors to show whether a button or tab has been enabled yet. As soon as a login is saved, reminder set, or expense added, it turns active blue.
Business Organization Tools
Visually track expenses
You may not realize how much monthly, quarterly, and annual expenses add up to in total, or when they will impact credit cards or cash flow. Populate recurring and one-time expenses to track how much you're spending and when it's forecast to impact your business.
Set reminders
Wether it's the renewal date on a subscription or a regular filing you need to make soon, attach reminders to vendor buttons to stay on top of what you need to do next in your operations. Alerts show as badges on related items and have a snooze feature.
Organize your dashboard
Hide buttons you don't need... add buttons you're missing... merge buttons if a service combines multiple functions together... it's your operations dashboard to work with.