Wizards are a special format that walks users through each SubBlox step with a little more hand-holding. It’s like you are placing a virtual mentor or coach into the process, to give more context and introduction to the next set of tasks a user will perform.
Wizards are enabled on the BigBlox level, and can be toggled on or off for any of your content. We pre-populate white-label implementations with our Planning Wizard (Big Blox 1: Plan your business venture). You can keep this or delete it, and then proceed to wizardize any of the other content you wish, including new BigBlox you create from scratch.

When the Wizard Format is “off” the SubBlox will list as the individual steps. Green checks show by those where all Tasks have been marked completed.

Once you enable the Wizard Format toggle, that’s when the magic happens. #
First, the SubBlox will collapse down into a single-line with the title “Your SubBlox name wizard”

When as user clicks the wizard link, they will now see pages in the following format:

Wizards have these additional features versus standard SubBlox view:
- You can upload icons to represent each SubBlox step, where the user can click them to navigate back-and-forth through the steps in addition to the buttons.
- You can add text and video introductions (“interstitial pages”) ahead of the SubBlox step for more context.
Clicking the “I’m ready, let’s go button” will dive into that step, whereas clicking “Next Section” will advance forward to the next SubBlox step, and thus to the next icon. As users complete all the Tasks in one of the SubBlox steps, a green check mark will display across the icon to mark completion.
A user may save progress and go back to the Dashboard at any time.
Click here to go to the SubBlox help article that explains where and how to upload the icons and content for Wizards.